Sometimes, Tennessee families may have a dynamic that results in estrangement. Often, grandparents are unable to see their grandchildren for a variety of reason, but they should know their rights regarding visitation. Grandparent visitation laws in Tennessee Parents...
Working On Your Behalf Every Step Of The Way
Year: 2022
Working towards a positive divorce outcome
Divorce proceedings could be stressful and unhappy for people whose marriage ends. How much trouble and anxiety spouses face depends on whether the divorce moves along to its conclusion smoothly or things become complicated and contentious. Still, even when...
Preparing yourself for “gray divorce” in Tennessee
Divorce is always a difficult process, but it can be even more complicated when one or both spouses are over the age of 50. This type of divorce is often called "gray divorce." If you are considering a gray divorce, it is important to understand the implications and...
Types of temporary custody grandparents can get
There may be times when grandparents need temporary custody of their grandchildren. Grandparents have such rights under Tennessee law in certain situations. Gaining physical custody with power of attorney Physical custody occurs when a child lives with their...
The rights of a father pertaining to child custody
Unwed fathers in Tennessee have rights to their children. There are certain steps that are important to take when a father wants to get custody of his child. Establishing paternity If a child is born to unwed parents, the mother automatically gets custody. The father,...
What happens when visitation is refused?
After Tennessee parents have split up, it’s common to deal with issues like child custody and visitation. While unusual, visitation might be refused. What does it mean to refuse visitation? In many cases, one parent is granted custody while the other is given...
Who is a CDFA in Tennessee?
Going through a divorce involves working with several different professionals, including a divorce lawyer, a divorce mediator and a divorce financial analyst. One professional you may not be familiar with is the Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA). Who is a...
Tenessee grandchildren: Filing a petiton for a protective order
Your grandchildren are precious to you, and their welfare is important. Protecting them from someone who is abusing them is of utmost importance. Grandparents in Tennessee might want to learn more about the filing of an order of protection to shield the youngsters rom...
Worries about alienation distraction tactics
A divorce could turn into a bitter event for troubled spouses. Adults might have difficulty handling the psychological stress of a traumatic divorce. Things may be far worse for children struggling to process the situation. Regrettably, parents struggling with their...
Divorcing amicably: taking the right steps
If you've given your best efforts to your marriage and you and your spouse have decided to call it quits, you're likely concerned and a little nervous about the divorce process. Divorcing amicably can make the process more efficient and could help preserve your mental...