If you are considering going through a divorce in the state of Tennessee, you may be concerned about the costs associated with going through the process. A divorce can be an emotionally draining process, but it could also drain you of your finances, and this may be a...
Working On Your Behalf Every Step Of The Way
Month: January 2019
Can my child make their own custody decisions?
If you have a child, you will know that they are often very opinionated regarding their preferences, and they tend to become increasingly so as they grow older. While these preferences might center on what they like to eat and when they like to sleep as young...
How to deal with a co-parent who is being uncooperative
If you are a single father (after a split with your partner), it is likely that you are doing what you can to give your child the best possible upbringing, despite the fact that you are no longer with their mother. It can be difficult to maintain a good co-parenting...