Having to be away from your children likely isn't easy. When you don't live near them, you aren't going to be able to see them as often as you would if you lived in the same city or country. Unfortunately, life's circumstances sometimes require a parent to move to a...
Working On Your Behalf Every Step Of The Way
Year: 2019
What are the grounds for divorce in Tennessee?
Every state has its own divorce laws. Therefore, if you are contemplating filing for divorce, you will need to pay attention to the laws of the state you are filing in. You should pay particular attention to the grounds for divorce, particularly if you intend to blame...
What rights come with establishing paternity?
Children benefit greatly from having a strong relationship with both their mother and their father. Unfortunately, father and child relationships can be more difficult to establish at times, and this is often because paternity is not established until the child is...
What assets are considered marital assets?
Marriages mean that the finances of two people become significantly intertwined over the years. As a married couple, you have almost certainly purchased items with the intention of sharing them, and you have likely depended on each other financially. So, when you...
What does parenting time interference mean?
If you have children, but you are no longer in a relationship with the other parent, it is likely that you will be sharing custody to some extent. Shared custody means that you will need to divide parenting time between the two of you. In an ideal situation, divided...
Talking to your spouse about adoption
Adoption can be a very difficult thing to commit to, because it is almost impossible to foresee what an adoption will look like in reality. This is why it is often the case that one spouse will be more eager to adopt than another. If you have your heart set on...
The grounds for divorce in Mississippi
If you are considering filing for a divorce in Mississippi, it is important that you learn about the legitimate grounds for divorce. The grounds of divorce can have far-reaching implications for your life after divorce, and it may affect alimony orders. In order to...
Gaining custody as an unmarried father in Tennessee
If you are an unmarried father, you still have the right to be a parent to your child. However, the process of establishing paternity along with visitation can potentially be more challenging. If you are not sure where to begin in regard to gaining custody of your...
The true costs of a Tennessee divorce
If you are considering going through a divorce in the state of Tennessee, you may be concerned about the costs associated with going through the process. A divorce can be an emotionally draining process, but it could also drain you of your finances, and this may be a...
Can my child make their own custody decisions?
If you have a child, you will know that they are often very opinionated regarding their preferences, and they tend to become increasingly so as they grow older. While these preferences might center on what they like to eat and when they like to sleep as young...