If you are considering filing for a divorce in Mississippi, it is important that you learn about the legitimate grounds for divorce. The grounds of divorce can have far-reaching implications for your life after divorce, and it may affect alimony orders.
In order to take action in filing for a Mississippi divorce, you must have resided in the state for a minimum of six months. There are two main categories of divorce filings: no-fault divorces and fault-based divorces.
On what grounds can a no-fault divorce be filed?
The only way for a no-fault divorce to be filed is to cite irreconcilable differences. This means that you want to divorce not because of any wrongdoing from either party, but because you are incompatible as a married couple.
On what grounds can a fault-based divorce be filed?
A fault-based divorce can be filed for many reasons. You may cite adultery, addiction of alcohol or drugs, a criminal conviction, insanity or cruelty, among many other things. If you blame your spouse for the breakdown of the marriage in Mississippi, you may be able to have a more favorable outcome in regard to spousal support and asset division.
Are there any alternatives to a divorce in Mississippi?
If you don’t want to go through the process of divorce, in certain circumstances you may be able to end the marriage through an annulment or a legal separation.
It is important to understand your options when filing for a divorce in Mississippi so that you can get the best possible result based on your specific situation.