To secure rights to your child, you may need to undergo genetic testing. The court uses this DNA test as proof of your genetic connection to the child. You may wonder, though, if these tests are accurate or if there is a potential for a false positive or negative.
The Cleveland Clinic explains that as far as proving you are the father, a DNA test can be up to 99.9% accurate. The test can also exclude you as the father with 100% accuracy. Professionals consider this type of testing to be the most accurate way to determine genetic connections.
Taking the test
A genetic test does not require a large sample from you to be effective. You have DNA throughout your whole body, so you could submit anything to provide your sample. Most often, though, experts take the least evasive route and take a sample of your DNA from a swab inside your mouth. Sometimes, you may have to undergo a blood test to collect your sample.
Why it works
DNA is the building block of who you are. The reason why experts can use it to determine your relationship with a child is that every person’s DNA comes from his or her parents. Your child will have half of your DNA, so when comparing your DNA to your potential child’s, it is easy to spot matches or to see there is no match.
Errors can happen, but often they are due to human mistakes when taking the sample or processing it. Most of the time, these tests occur in a safe and secure environment by professionals who know how to administer them, so such mistakes are very rare.